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Basic Rights of Filipino Workers deployed in Oman

The Philippine Overseas Labour Office, Office of the Labour Attache, Muscat have released an Advisory no. 7 Series of 2018 last May 2, 2018 regarding the basic rights for all Filipino workers that are deployed in the Sultanate of Oman.

Check out the advisory content below:

May we remind the sponsors/principal employers and foreign recruitment agencies (FRAs) of the basic rights due to all Filipino workers that are deployed in the Sultanate of Oman,” the advisory read, listing these basic rights:

  1. Passports should be kept with the worker unless voluntary entrusted to persons or institution, preferably with FRAs.
  2. Workers are entitled to a paid leave (day off/rest day) of one day per week.
  3. Sponsors must pay a month basic salary of not less than USD400 or OMR160 for domestic workers, and more than OMR160 for skilled workers.
  4. The sponsor must provide decent food or its equivalent of food allowance of not less than OMR30.
  5. The sponsors must also provide a suitable and safe accommodation, or its equivalent accommodation allowance of not less than OMR80.
  6. The sponsor must also provide free transportation from the worker’s accommodation to the worksite and vice versa, or an equivalent transportation allowance of not less than OMR20.
  7. The sponsor must provide health and accident insurance of the worker valid throughout the period of the working visa/contract.

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