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Financial Assistance for OFWs in Oman Directly Affected by Xiamen Airlines Flight 8667 Accident

The Philippine Embassy in Muscat informs OFWs in Oman whose outbound flights from Manila were directly affected, resulting in the delay of their departure, by the closure of one of the runways of the Manila International Airport as a result of the accident involving Xiamen Airlines flight 8667 on 16 August 2018, that the Philippine government will be providing financial assistance in the amount of Five Thousand Philippine Pesos (Php 5,000.00). Application for financial assistance may be claimed with the submission of the following:

  1. Original letter issued by the DFA- Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs (DFA-OUMWA) handed out at the airport;
  2. Copy of data page of passport;
  3. Copy of Philippine immigration stamp showing departure from Manila;
  4. Copy of the plane ticket from Manila to final destination;
  5. Copy of boarding passes from Manila to final destination;
  6. Copy of original airfare booking.

For details and further queries, kindly call the Assistance-to-Nationals Unit of the Embassy at (968) 24605140 or email:,

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