Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Increase in the deployment age of Domestic Workers to 24

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration rules prohibit the recruitment, hiring, transport or adoption of a “child” for deployment abroad as a migrant worker. In the case of domestic workers, a child means a person below 24 years old.

“The existing minimum age for domestic workers, set by POEA Governing Board Resolution No. 14 Series of 2007, is increased from 23 years old to 24 years old,” the POEA said in its Advisory No. 43-2022 dated July 11.

It said the new policy is anchored on the provisions set by the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2022, saying it is unlawful to recruit or hire a child for deployment abroad.

“In the case of overseas domestic work, a ‘child’ means a person below 24 years old,” the POEA said, adding the new policy will take effect starting today, July 14.

The recruitment industry objected to the new age limit policy, saying it caught many agencies off guard.

In a statement, recruitment consultant Emmanuel Geslani said the new household service worker (HSW) policy was put in place without prior consultation with the stakeholders.

“The new POEA circular caught many agencies off guard with this new age requirement that will delay the departure of many of their HSWs, who have been issued OECs, visas stamped, and booked their flights for their job sites,” said Geslani.

“This ruling from the POEA will certainly mean hundreds of HSWs due for departure after July 14 will be stranded in the country,” he added.

The circular, he said, should have a grace period of at least 45 days to allow for an adjustment period for all stakeholders.

Geslani said they estimate that as much as 500 to 1,000 HSWs are expected to be affected by the new policy.

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